Contact of company VPNN Zhiva
When you buy a device and / or attachments in the store of the order manufacturer, you get a free consultation with a doctor!
Office adress
45/5000 Moskva, ul. Staroalekseyevskaya, d.5, ofis 411. Moscow, Staroalekseevskaya, 5, office 411.
Mon-Fri: 10:00—18:30
Sat, Sun.: выходной
From the metro one exit. Further - to the right, along the Prospect Mira (in the course of traffic), until crossing from ul. Staroalekseevskaya. Next - to the right, along the green mesh fence, to the green metal gate with a large figure 8. Enter the gate, then directly, to house number 8, the entrance to the nearest entrance. The office is on the 3rd floor.
Production address and service center:
Moscow, Art. m. Nagornaya, electrolyte transportation, etc. 5 B, page 6
Mon-Fri. – 9.30-16.00
Sat, Sun: closed
Exit the metro from the last car to the right, go straight for 20 meters to the traffic light, then cross the road and go to the right 50 meters more to the entrance of the NIAT. From the gateway, move to the right to the 3-storey building. The service center is located on the third floor.